Goals & Objectives

Welcome to the brand new BCTF Aboriginal Education Association site. We are very pleased to begin a new adventure with this site and start a conversation that will explore all aspects of Aboriginal education.

Our Goals:

  • To foster professional growth and communication within the membership

  • To stimulate improvement in the quality of instructional services to First Nation students in the province

  • To act as a clearing house and study base for research and developments in and outside aBC in the field of First Nations education

  • To take a leadership role in encouraging joint educational involvement with First Nations groups and organizations

Our objectives
  1. Provide in-service education
  2. Encourage an understanding of the roles performed and skills required by educators of First Nations students
  3. Promote an understanding of the roles performed and skills required by educators of First Nations students
  4. Promote liaison with agencies supporting First Nations youth
  5. Support and facilitate the sharing of information regarding First Nations curriculum projects and programs
  6. Promote awareness and knowledge of First Nations education issues in the school system
  7. Maintain communication with First Nations organizations, especially those mandated to address issues/concerns related to First Nations education